Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Jamison!

Today our nephew turned ONE YEAR OLD! It is so hard to believe that he is growing up so fast. Hope you enjoy your special day "Little Bean!" Uncle Denny and I will be up to see you soon with your special birthday present. We love and miss you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the mothers out there....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Make sure that your kids spoil the crap out of you just like you do for them every other day of the year. Enjoy your day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yes, It Is True...

If some of you have heard rumors about me leaving Raley's, it is true. I had my first day at my new job on Monday. I now work for Peet's Coffee and Tea. Yes, instead of wearing a hat and making fried chicken I wear whatever I want and make wonderful tasting coffee (and tea!). I already LOVE my new job and everyone is so wonderful and sweet, but I will never forget my fun and friendly co-workers at Raley's. I will try to get pictures of me at my NEW job soon. Now, I have to get back to writting my essay for English 221 before I get into trouble. :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009

9 Months...Already?!

"Little bean" now at nine months. He is getting cuter and cuter every day! Can't wait to see you guys in March. We miss YOU!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Art Work Fall 2008

This is "The Gamer" posting her awsome artwork from last semester. Sorry for taking so long to post them, but I had to convert the files... what a pain in the butt. Anyhoo, this is my Adobe Illustrator self portirat project. I think it came out really awsome. I used my cartooning self portirat, scaned it into the computer and colored it and improved the image a little. Please leave comments and do NOT forget to sign them if your not a blogger....yet.

This is one of my personal favorites. This was a panel card assignment for my Adobe InDesign class. We had to use "Hope...can change the world" in our cards and create a visual to go with it. I had no idea what to do until i started using the spiral tool in Adobe Illustrator. I think it is a perfect match with the spirals and type. What about you?

This was a fun assignment. In my Adobe Illustrator class we had to create a google logo. I decided it would be fun to do the DVD release of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The hardest part was the Jack and Sally faces. Each line in their smiles was drawn seperately from everything else! Even Sally's eyelashes are all individual lines. The typeface for the word "Google" was hard to match because the "g" is backwards, so I created each letter in the word "Google" as well. Sound like a lot of work!? Well, it was all worth it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast!

Jamison is now eight months old! He has some teeth coming in and he is talking now. Denny's mom, Sheri, always sends us updated pictures of our little nephew. His new best friend is Bruno, Sheri and Dennis' pit, and this is a picture of both of them together. What a good boy Bruno! Now we just need pictures of the whole family.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to take this time (what little I have) and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season. This is our puppy, Sammy, posing for his Christmas picture. I took it into photoshop and cleaned it up and made it look brighter. In the original the stockings were so dark you couldn't even see them! Look how nice it turned out. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Death Knights For Halloween

For Halloween this year we wanted to update our costumes into something... cooler. We decided to go from Undead characters from World of Warcraft to Death Knights, the new hero class in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Denny was, of course, an Undead Death Knight and I was a Blood Elf Death Knight. I thought our costumes looked so much better than the ones last year, you can view them on the October 2007 blog post. If you are not fimiliar with World of Warcraft, that is okay because you can still appreciate the style and look of the costumes. If you look closely you can see the blue contacts in my eyes, because our characters have blue glowing eyes, and since Denny already has blue eyes he did not need to change them. Hope you guys enjoy them. If you have any comments or questions about the costumes, please let us know. :)